Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice provides details of the personal data we collect from you, what we do with it, how you might access it and who it might be shared with.
Our Contact Information (Data Controller)
The Priory School Priory School Longden Road SY3 9EE
Telephone: +441743284000 Company Email:
What we do with your personal data
We process personal data only for the purposes for which they are collected. These purposes include the provision of the education services necessary to sustain the relationship between STEP, schools, FE colleges, universities and teachers.
We process and retain personal data for the following purposes and periods, with the applicable legal basis.
Processing purpose Legal basis
General administration 6(1)(c) - we have to comply with a legal obligation
Early Career Framework Schools/teachers 6(1)(b) – we have a contract with the data subject
Appropriate Body Schools/teachers 6(1)(b) – we have a contract with the data subject
CPD/NPQ Facilitators/Delegates 6(1)(b) - we have a contract with the data subject
Access Control - Physical 6(1)(e) - we are carrying out tasks in the public interest
School Direct Schools/Teachers 6(1)(b) - we have a contract with the data subject
From our Providers we process and retain personal data for the following purposes and periods, with the applicable legal basis.
Processing purpose Legal basis
NPQ Provider 6(1)(b) - steps are required prior to a contract with the data subject
ECF Provider 6(1)(b) - steps are required prior to a contract with the data subject
ITT Provider 6(1)(b) - steps are required prior to a contract with the data subject
CPD Provider 6(1)(b) - steps are required prior to a contract with the data subject
From our Schools we process and retain personal data for the following purposes and periods, with the applicable legal basis.
Processing purpose Legal basis
Communications 6(1)(a) - we have the data subject's consent
What personal data do we collect?
While the majority of information you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided to us on a voluntary basis. We will inform you whether you are required to provide certain information to us or if you have a choice in this.
We collect:
• Year that Qualified Teacher Status was obtained
• ID
• Subject
• Qualifications
• DBS/ CRB check
• Employment history
• Email address
• Salutation
• Place of work
• Address of workplace
• Signature
• Marital status
• Telephone contact details
• Dietary Needs
• Disabilities
• Booking Requirements
• TRN Number
• Ethnicity
• Qualifications
We collect your personal data from the following indirect sources
Please refer to what personal data we collect section
There may be instances where we need to share personal data with say, a service provider who manages data processing systems.
Data subject type Indirect source name/provider
Schools Best Practice Network (Early Career Framework)
School Staff
Associate Teachers Teaching Regulation Agency (Appropriate Body)
Leadership Learning Southeast (NPQ)
Painsley Sixth Form (Appropriate Body)
University of Chester (ITT)
Department for Education
Curriculum Hubs
Department for Education
How do we look after personal data?
We limit the amount of personal data collected only to what is fit for the purpose, as described above. We restrict, secure and control all of our information assets against unauthorised access, damage, loss or destruction; whether physical or electronic. We retain personal data only for as long as is described above, to respond to your requests, or longer if required by law. If we retain your personal data for historical or statistical purposes we ensure that the personal data cannot be used further.
While in our possession, together with your assistance, we try to maintain the accuracy of your personal data.
How can you access your personal data?
To make a request for your personal data, or to be given access to your educational record, you may make a request from here.
You also have the right to:
• object to the processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing damage or distress
• prevent processing for the purposes of direct marketing
• object to decisions taken by automated means
• in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed
• claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of data protection regulations
Our Data Protection Officer
STEP DPO - Carol Combes Telephone: +01743284011
Our Supervisory Authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint with any Supervisory Authority. See our Supervisory Authority contact details below.
The Information Commissioner’s Office Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Wilmslow - Cheshire SK9 5AF United Kingdom
+44 1625 545 745